anyway lesson learnt from all my previous trips here, so I'm shopping very wisely this time round. my first buy, a chiffon blazer and a chiffon black l/s top, costed me 750baht and 500baht respectively. I never used to buy any pieces above 400baht back then haha. but I realised I always ended up not wearing them usually cos of poor material quality. I got an orange blazer too at only 600 baht! right. I love blazers since forever. so thankful I didn't get the one I saw in River Island yesterday that costed a whopping SGD129. phew.
hahaha Daddy looking silly, and me looking weird
cock eye ahhhhh?
had to overexpose my face in this photo cos I looked so bad!
Swensen's earthquake (8 scoops) at only 299baht nett!!!! in Singapore it costs more than double omg.
looking a bit fat leh.
still fat. it must be this damn top or am I just in self-denial?! really been eating almost non stop for the past week.
we were quite crushed by the time we checked in, so..... it completely slipped off my mind to snap pics of the neatly packed room. we're at room 81! the only executive suite in this hotel haha. anyway it's not even "suite", but indeed it's a much more spacious as compared to their normal rooms. so anyway I was saying I was too shagged so it only came to my mind to snap pics of it when it's already in quite a mess!
Dad and Mom snuggling after their afternoon shower!
I like tuning the tv to CNA cos it's our very own local channel! hahaha sense of familiarity.
full length mirror yay.
messy HOR!!!!
BTH us. this happened within 15 mins.
hahahahahahaha I is ah pu neh neh ah pu neh neh is I
party in my mouth yo
ikr. like some siao char bor!
my 50baht sunnies!
red blood veins spotted on my left eye! in fact it's happening for both sides. the air condition is too bad here, that was exactly why I removed my contacts for glasses.
Mom's turn! I told her to act cool instead..
TADAH!!!! hahahahahahaha
okay off to sleep. scrambled egg and coffee await me! good night x
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