anyway back to my September, so last entry I ended off with my dinner at Antoinette! just last Friday, I met up with my dear Angela, she looked so fresh the other day. cos she was on MC so she came out looking all well groomed at 5pm haha. when my fringe was already all greasy eww! her freshly colored hair and grey contacts made her look so vavavroom hahahahaha here's my pretty little sweetheart..
oops b&w! can't see her hair color. NEXT
really hate it that my hair grows so quickly! I touched up my color less than a month ago, and now I can see prominent black roots again.
roamed around Takashimaya and DFS as usual. stepping into the labeled shops and drool over their bags, then we'll start blabbering and motivating ourselves to earn more money for our overseas trip and buy this and that and this and that. we're forever saying the same thing hahahahaha. sadly she might just fly home anytme soon.. :(
we would have went down to members' club Filter cos my friend could signed us in! buttttttt Angela had very bad sinus problem that night, we had to give it a miss. we felt like we were giving up our dream guy?! her oba and my Wilber. I'm guessing members' club must be a really fun place to club in? it's not easy to get a chance there ugh! wasted but well.. I hope for some other time!
dinner was at Sakae. I'll never grow sick of Sakae cos of their spicy salmon sushi!
I always nom on super lots of ginger, my Tiffie too!
acting silly hahahahahaha
then we spent the rest of the night at OC's Spinelli., drinking our new found fav berry smoothie! I stayed away from alcohol for 3 weeks already till..
the next day (Saturday) when Mok texted me last minute for dinner! we drove down to Dempsey, as usual. whenever she drives, we will head Dempsey. YAY TO FREE PARKING!!!!
it was the same day I permed my hair!
dinner was at The Wine Company cos I miss eating their signature chicken mayo pizza.
only ordered a glass of Merlot to share cos Mok wanted to sip some. never a fan of wine, and never will be. even till today the taste of wine reminds me of my terrible blackout night! it's all because I drank half fucking bottle of it within 30 minutes, and more whisky and brandy in the next hour. FML.
we were so full we couldn't finish the food!
after dinner, we headed over to Harry's. Mok had coffee there, like always hahahahaha and also her usual Shirley Temple. I never bothered sipping Shirley Temple till that night and my first reaction after drinking was.. "HUH WHY SO LOSER?!". it's so extremely sweet, it's like such a girly drink omg. or maybe I'm too manly.
happy me had 2 pints of beer!
I can't believe Class 95 actually plays club remix! I heard it on Mok's car and I wanted to spin my head so bad. just in case you didn't know according to my friends I'm a professional head spinner.
met up with Kathy and G for dinner just 3 days back! we had a cosy session at Ion's Marmalade Pantry.
G's tagliatelle!
Kathy's and mine crabmeat linguinie.
wanted to try their cakes but we were too full for it! Kathy had a fruit juice called Vigorous haha cos she needed the energy to bake and farm hahahahahaha it costed like 8 bucks. crazy. I can find this exact same taste in some other fruit stalls for 2 buck? not a fan of this place esp when their food were so so!
G headed home, and we headed off for some supposedly light drinking with long-time-no-see PMT! haven't met him since secondary 4. we had a jug of Heineken at Yello Jello, wanted a tower of Tiger but Kathy didn't like Tiger haha but well I'm always a big fan of Tiger, very local hor. everyone always laugh at me for that! but seriously Tiger is nice what. I tried so many different kind of beers, and I still love our Singapore's Tiger best. its either that or Erdinger Dark. then we went over to Arena's for our second session, it was already 12am? and it was a Thursday night, FYI I had work the next day. sometimes I really ought to be less steady and be more disciplined. PMT suggested opening a bottle of Black Label, and there gone my night. the 3 of us finished the whole bottle within 3 hours? we only left the place when the bouncer came to told us they're closing haha. fuck man. it's a weekday night! how extreme can I get. grace!!!!!!! I was sober even till we finished the last drop. but I started puking after PMT dropped off Kathy at her place. I don't recall how I managed to walk from his car back home. Mom showered me. I really thought I was fine?! Black Label is my biggest taboo man, drank twice vomitted twice. FML. no more that from now on. last promise to myself, and my last chance to myself too. I swear my parents will disown me if I'm ever back home in such state. by the way I puke all over my Balenciaga. thank God Dad managed to clean it very thoroughly though. no more puke stain and smell.
PMT paid for all the drinks that night! so generous haha the next round ought to be on us instead. he is still as lame and as funny, just like 8 years back.
alright I'm off to shower! BKK tomorrow yay. luggage half packed. I'm heading down to town with Mommy love in a bit. she haven't accompany to roam around town since FOREVER. love her so much. can't wait to spend some quality time with her. KTHXBYE. x
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